
IT Zertifikate

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Beteiligte Personen Maximilian Renner
Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev

Veröffentlichungen zum Forschungsgebiet

Sebastian Lins, Jan-Michael Becker, Kalle Lyytinen, Ali Sunyaev
A Design Theory for Certification Presentations
A Design Theory for Certification Presentations, 2022

Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev
Advancing the presentation of IS certifications: theory-driven guidelines for designing peripheral cues to increase users’ trust perceptions
Behaviour & Information Technology, Seiten 1-24, 2022

Natalie Maier, Ilona M. Pawlowska, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev
Die Zertifizierung nach der DS-GVO. Transparenz und Vertrauen für Nutzer digitaler Dienste?
ZD Zeitschrift für Datenschutz, (9), Seiten 445-449, September, 2020

Sebastian Lins, Theresa Kromat, Julian Löbbers, Alexander Benlian, Ali Sunyaev
Why Don’t You Join In? A Typology of Information System Certification Adopters
Decision Sciences, forthcoming, 2020

Julian Löbbers, Sebastian Lins, Theresa Kromat, Alexander Benlian, Ali Sunyaev
A multi-perspective lens on web assurance seals: Contrasting vendors’ intended and consumers’ perceived effects.
Electronic Commerce Research, forthcoming, 2020

Sebastian Lins, Stephan Schneider, Jakub Szefer, Ibraheem Shafeeq, Ali Sunyaev
Designing Monitoring Systems for Continuous Certification of Cloud Services: Deriving Meta-Requirements and Design Guidelines
Communications of the AIS, 44, 2019

Jens Lansing, Nils Siegfried, Ali Sunyaev, Alexander Benlian
Strategic signaling through cloud service certifications: Comparing the relative importance of certifications’ assurances to companies and consumers
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, November, 2019

Natalie Maier, Sebastian Lins, Heiner Teigeler, Alexander Roßnagel, Ali Sunyaev
Die Zertifizierung von Cloud-Diensten nach der DSGVO
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, 43, (4), Seiten 225–229, April, 2019

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Philipp Danylak, Sebastian Lins, Carol Hsu, Ali Sunyaev
Making Sense of Certification Internalization: A Process Model for Implementing Information Security and Data Protection Certifications
In Association for Information Systems (AIS), Proceedings of the 17th Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP 2022), Seiten: 1855-1 - 1855-20, Association for Information Systems (AIS) eLibrary, Copenhagen, Denmark, Dezember, 2022

Malte Greulich, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev
Toward Uncovering Patterns of Certification Internalization
Proceedings of the 41th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2020), Association for Information Systems, Dezember, 2020

Sascha Ladewig, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev
Are We Ready to Play in the Cloud? Developing new Quality Certifications to Tackle Challenges of Cloud Gaming Services
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, IEEE, Moscow, Russia, Juli, 2019

Malte Greulich, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev
From Data to Insights: Leveraging Monitoring Data for Achieving Continuous Certification of Cloud Services
Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019, Association for Information Systems, Juni, 2019

Heiner Teigeler, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev
Technology-Push or Market-Pull – What Drives Certification Authorities to Perform Continuous Service Certification?
Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2019), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Stockholm, Sweden, Juni, 2019

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Sebastian Lins, Stephan Schneider, Ali Sunyaev
Cloud-Service-Zertifizierung. Ein Rahmenwerk und Kriterienkatalog zur Zertifizierung von Cloud-Services
Springer, Gabler Verlag, Juli, 2019

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Maximilian Renner, Sebastian Lins, Ali Sunyaev
A Taxonomy of IS Certification's Characteristics
ACM Digital Library, New York, USA, Juni, 2021

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Alexander Roßnagel, Ali Sunyaev, Sebastian Lins, Natalie Maier, Heiner Teigeler
AUDITOR-Kriterienkatalog : Entwurfsfassung 0.9, Stand 15.03.2019
Beitrag zum Forschungsprojekt: European Cloud Service Data Protection Certification (AUDITOR). Förderkennzeichen BMWi: FKZ 01MT17003A, März, 2019

Alexander Roßnagel, Ali Sunyaev, Sebastian Lins, Natalie Maier, Heiner Teigeler
AUDITOR Criteria Catalogue: Draft version 0.9
Contribution to the research project "European Cloud Service Data Protection Certification (AUDITOR)", which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (FKZ 01MT17003A), based on a decision made by the German Parliament., März, 2019

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