
David Bermbach

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Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. David Bermbach

Ehemaliges Mitglied

Email: david.bermbach(at)kit.eduURIs der Form „david.bermbach(at)“ sind nicht zulässig.

Ehemals: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
in Forschungsgruppe: Ökonomie und Technologie der eOrganisation

David studied "Business Engineering" at KIT from 2005 to 2010. During that time he worked as a student assistant to programming and enterprise computing classes at KIT and DHBW Karlsruhe. He did internships in financial risk controlling as well as software development. In Dec 2010, he submitted his diploma thesis "Design and Implementation of an Eventually Consistent Distributed Storage System Layered on Top of Cloud Storage Services" and is now, as of Feb 1, 2011, a PhD candidate and research associate at the chair of Prof. Tai.

His main research interests are Cloud Computing (with a focus on storage systems) as well as Distributed Systems in general. Currently, he is developing consistency benchmarks and modelling data store behavior to predict consistency guarantees of large-scale distributed storage systems.
