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Stability of on-line and on-board evolving of adaptive collective behavior

Stability of on-line and on-board evolving of adaptive collective behavior

Published: 2008 März

Buchtitel: Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics
Ausgabe: 44
Reihe: European Robotics Symposium 2008
Seiten: 293-302
Verlag: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg

Referierte Veröffentlichung


This work focuses on evolving purposeful collective behavior in a swarm of Jasmine micro-robots.We investigate the stability of the online and on-board evolutionary approaches, where mutation, crossover as well as fitness calculation are performed only by interacting micro-robots without using any centralized resources. In this work it is demonstrated that the environment-adaptive collective behavior can be obtained, where the evolving fitness and behavior are partially stable. To increase stability of the approach, some reduction methodology of the search space is proposed.

ISBN: 978-3-540-78315-2
ISSN: 1610-7438
Download: Media:2008 Euros Prag.pdf
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Evolutionäre Robotik