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On the Interrelationships Between Knees and Aggregate Objective Functions

On the Interrelationships Between Knees and Aggregate Objective Functions

Published: 2014

Buchtitel: GECCO 2014
Ausgabe: in press
Verlag: ACM

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Optimizing several objectives that are often at odds with each other provides di�cult challenges that are not encountered if having only one goal at hand. One intuitive way to solve a multi-objective problem is to aggregate the objectives and reformulate it as an optimization problem having just a single goal. This goal can be a designer speci�c aggregation of the objectives or a characterization of knees, trade-o�ffs, utilities, stronger optimality concepts or preferences.

This paper examines the theoretical relationships between two knee concepts and aggregate objective functions methods. The changes in the �tness landscape by utilizing different aggregations is also discussed.


Effiziente Algorithmen


Evolutionäre Algorithmen, Multikriterielle Optimierung, Globale Optimierung