
Julia Hoxha

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Julia Hoxha

Ehemaliges Mitglied

Email: julia hoxha∂ksri uni-karlsruhe de

Ehemals: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
in Forschungsgruppe: Wissensmanagement

10/2006 - 04/2009

MSc. Software Systems Engineering in Computer Science, Technical University RWTH-Aachen, Germany

09/2000-05/2004 American University in Bulgaria

B.A. in Computer Science

B.A. in Mathematics


Honours / Distinctions:

Oct 2006 Awarded two-year scholarship by the German Academic Exchange Office DAAD (Deutscher Akamdemischer Austauch Dienst)
May 2004 Honoured Magna Cum Laude (With Great Praise) for B.A degrees
June 2000 Awarded New Opportunity Scholarship by the Open Society Institute, Soros Foundation


Professional experience:

06/2007 – 12/2007 Student Research Assistant by the Chair of Computer Science 5 RWTH Aachen University, Germany
09/2004 – 08/2006 Teaching Assistant by the Informatics Department Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania
05/2005 – 11/2005 IT Consultant by the Social Insurance Institute Tirana, Albania
05/2003 – 09/2007

Co-founder, Software Analyst/Developer, ShqiperiaCom sh.p.k. Tirana, Albania



Kit Funktionen und Kompetenzfelder

Algorithm, Software and System Engineering