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Business Process Model Patterns: Classification and Repository

Business Process Model Patterns: Classification and Repository

Published: 2019 Mai

Buchtitel: EMISA 2019
Reihe: LNI
Verlag: GI

Nicht-referierte Veröffentlichung
Note: (to appear)


During almost half a century, patterns have gained widespread interest and acceptance in various domains. Originating from architecture, patterns are nowadays also suggested as solution templates for various problems related to business process management. Due to the abundance of pattern works, getting an overview on available works or searching for specific patterns can be very difficult. To mitigate this problem, pattern classifications have been proposed. However, what is still missing is an instrument for easy exploration and search. We fill this gap in developing and presenting a business process model pattern repository. The repository is publicly available and enables browsing and filtering of pattern works according to criteria recently developed by analyzing 280 pattern works.


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