
Student job: Python or PHP programmer for Wikipedia research/en

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Student job: Python/PHP programmer for Wikipedia research

Job Advertisement

Job Description

We (Institute AIFB, Knowledge Management Group) are as of now looking for a student who is proficient in either Python or PHP or at least likes and knows how to program and would be willing to acquire the necessary skills in Python on the job. The task: Help us develop (or advance) tools aimed at solving certain tasks related to Wikipedia. These include for example the accurate detection of authorship and other, data and knowledge mining related tasks. A big advantage is that we are working closely together with Wikimedia Germany and the tools you help to build will most likely be used on a larger scale and have some impact. Also, this job offers superb opportunities to publish and/or develop a final thesis out of this. We need a short mail with a description why you consider yourself fitting for the job as well as a meaningful CV (especially covering coding experience). Work samples are not necessary but helpful. Everything else will be discussed in person.

Contact: fabian floeck∂kit edu WWW:

Job Type

Student Assistants / Tutors

Link PDF

No information available

Contact Person

Fabian Flöck

Research Group

Web Science

Closing Date for Applications
