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Prof. Sunyaev Gives a Talk at the ITAS Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Decision-making


AUDITOR - Exclusive meeting at the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information


New Research Article Accepted for Publication in Datenschutz und Datensicherheit


Prof. Sack gave a keynote with the subject "The Sorcerer’s Apprentice or Why Semantics still matters and why we should not only trust in ML"

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We welcome Ms. PD Dr.-Ing. Tatiana Landesberger von Antburg as substitute professor

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Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter appointed to Foresight Future Circle of the BMBF

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cii research group at IEEE CBI 2019

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Winner of the category "most useful" at Coding da V1nc1 Süd

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KIT Joined the Bloxberg Consortium

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Australian Student Scholarships available


cii research group at ECIS 2019


Article about the research project AUDITOR published in Handelsblatt


New Research Project “COOLedger – A COnfiguration toOL for Distributed Ledgers”


Prof. Sunyaev at the German-Russian Science Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Moscow


Unblackboxing IT Certifications – Kickoff Meeting on July 2, 2019 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


New Research Project "Social Comparison in mHealth"


Interview with Philipp Zehnder in "Industrial Pioneers"


2nd edition of the book "Cloud Service Certification: A Framework and Criteria Catalogue for the Certification of Cloud Services" published


New Research Project “Security & Compliance Automation” in cooperation with SAP SE


Commitment to leading visualization conferences

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Graduate of Institute AIFB gets EHI Science Award 2010


Paper accepted at VLDB DMAH 2019


AIFB Thematic Issue 2019 - Invitation to the 35th AIK Symposium


Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmeck appointed as KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow


Four Papers Accepted at HICSS 53


New article published in the European Journal of Human Genetics


Registration deadlines for cii courses in winter term 19/20


Two papers accepted at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2019

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Module and courses changes for the WS19/20

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Exclusive Internships at Yale University in 2020!

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Sustainability in the IT sector: Andreas Fritsch from the research group Business Information Systems wins a grant from the Prototype Fund


Linked Data Applications Seminar - Kickoff moved to April 27

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Young scientists were reached at the "bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung" in Karlsruhe

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New privacy friendly app: „Active break to go!“

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Election of executive board and board of trustees of AIK e.V.


The 35th AIK Symposium „Blockchain - Proof-of-Worth“


An easy to understand introduction to Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology published


The research group of Prof. Sunyaev participates in the project "GAIA-X" of the BMWi


New Article Published in the Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS)

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Prof. Sunyaev Interviewed by it-daily: Trust is good, control is better

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KASTEL certificate now also for industrial engineers and business informatics students

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Save the Date: AIK symposium on cyber security will take place at October 23, 2020


Stipends for Newcastle, Australia

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"AUDITOR" will be further developed into a European data protection certification

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cii Research Group at the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

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New Article Published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)

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Exam registration until 27.01.2020

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BIS research group with lecture at the 36c3

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Annual report 2019 of the Critical Information Infrastructures research group published

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New textbook "Internet Computing" published