
Semantische Suche

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Sustainability in the IT sector: Andreas Fritsch from the research group Business Information Systems wins a grant from the Prototype Fund


Linked Data Applications Seminar - Kickoff moved to April 27

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Young scientists were reached at the "bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung" in Karlsruhe

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New privacy friendly app: „Active break to go!“

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Election of executive board and board of trustees of AIK e.V.


The 35th AIK Symposium „Blockchain - Proof-of-Worth“


An easy to understand introduction to Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology published


The research group of Prof. Sunyaev participates in the project "GAIA-X" of the BMWi


New Article Published in the Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS)

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Prof. Sunyaev Interviewed by it-daily: Trust is good, control is better

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KASTEL certificate now also for industrial engineers and business informatics students

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Save the Date: AIK symposium on cyber security will take place at October 23, 2020


Stipends for Newcastle, Australia

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"AUDITOR" will be further developed into a European data protection certification

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cii Research Group at the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

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New Article Published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)

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Exam registration until 27.01.2020

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BIS research group with lecture at the 36c3

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Annual report 2019 of the Critical Information Infrastructures research group published

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New textbook "Internet Computing" published

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Project Kick-Off "DaWID: Data-Centered Value Creation"

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Google Faculty Research Award for Prof. Melanie Volkamer

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Hands-On: Experience "Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology" in Our New Seminar


Heiko Haller receives Ted Nelson Newcomer Award at Hypertext 2010 by ACM SIGWEB

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York Sure-Vetter appointed Director of National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

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Cii Research Group at the 15th International Business Informatics Congress

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PANDIA: “Platform for the analysis of privacy notices of interactive assistance systems in the health care domain—Consumer-centered privacy communication”


We welcome Mr. PD Dr. Steffen Herbold as substitute professor


New Article Published in the Journal IEEE Access


Exam review summer semester 2020


Ms. Dr.-Ing. Maribel Acosta took over substitute professorship


Kick-off of the project BloG3 - Blockchain-based health data management for holistic health profiles

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New article published in the journal Electronic Commerce Research!

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New article published in the journal ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems!


Vorbesprechung Praktikum Learning Robots


New article published in the journal ACM Computing Surveys!


Faculty Teaching Award 2020 - Prof. Ali Sunyaev receives the teaching award of the KIT Faculty Economics and Management.


Research Group ISE wins Best Poster Paper Award at ESWC 2020


GAIA-X publishes new documents on the status quo of the project - The research group CII contributed to the Technical Architecture


First Articles Mention the DaWID Project


Research group Web Science awarded at ESWC 2020


Examinations in the Corona Semester 2020


cii Research Group at conference "Forum Privatheit" 2020


AI meets Distributed Ledger: building marketplaces, sharing data and breaking silos – Interview with Prof. Ali Sunyaev

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New Article published in JMIR mhealth and uhealth!


Shortipedia wins 3rd prize at Semantic Web Challenge 2010!


Funding for the establishment of the Karlsruhe Decision & Design Experimentation Ecosystem


Surveys on privacy in mHealth Apps and the Corona-Warn-App in the PANDIA project


New Article published in the Decision Sciences Journal


Congratulations to Jens Lansing for his successful doctoral examination