
Fabio Garzotto/Publikationen

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Publikationen von Fabio Garzotto


Basil Ell, Frank Dengler, Divna Djordjevic, Fabio Garzotto, Markus Krötzsch, Elena Simperl, Katharina Siorpaes, Denny Vrandecic, Stephan Wölger
D1.1.2: Conceptual Models for Enterprise Knowledge (Final Models and Evaluation)
Institut AIFB, KIT, Karlsruhe, (D1.1.2), ACTIVE Deliverable, Februar, 2010

Marcel Tilly, Olivier Nano, Fabio Garzotto, Frank Dengler
D3.3.1: Metrics and Methods for Knowledge Process Efficiencies
Institut AIFB, KIT, Karlsruhe, (D3.3.1), ACTIVE Deliverable, März, 2009

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