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Neuigkeit vom 7. April 2019

Prof. Sunyaev hält einen Vortrag im Rahmen des ITAS Workshops „Künstliche Intelligenz & algorithmisches Entscheiden“

Am 5. Mai 2019 wird Prof. Dr. Ali Sunyaev im Rahmen des ITAS Workshops „Künstliche Intelligenz & algorithmisches Entscheiden. Chancen und Risiken für Mensch und Technik“ einen Vortrag zum Thema „Der transformative Beitrag der Blockchain-Technologie“ halten.

Kurzzusammenfassung des Vortrages:
Our research takes a holistic approach and tackles the combination of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on various levels. From a technological perspective, we strive for deep insight into the technical requirements and processes that enable the exchange of data between users and AI providers via a DLT infrastructure to enable use of AI without the need to disclose sensitive user data. We investigate the use of DLT as a new kind of data sharing platform, where individuals and organizations can dynamically and transparently grant and revoke access to their personal data for services, which make use of AI. Our research fosters the understanding of why and under what circumstances individuals participate in data-driven research. On an organizational level, we investigate how organizations can effectively and efficiently account for varying data protection requirements and focus on the development of methods and approaches for deciding how to store and process certain types of data in DLT-based data sharing infrastructure. On a societal and economic level, we explore the benefits and drawbacks of the use of DLT as an enabler for an intermediary-free data exchange platform for AI.

Datum: 5. Mai , 2019
Uhrzeit: 11:10 – 11:35 Uhr
Ort: KIT Campus Süd
Gebäude 30.95
Hörsaal-Gebäude am Forum
Raum 121

Aus der Forschungsgruppe Critical Information Infrastructures