
Semantische Suche

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Wechseln zu:Navigation, Suche
[{{{2}}} 9th IBIMA Conference, 5-7 January 2008, Marrakech, Morocco: Conference Advisory Committee]
[{{{2}}} IIS 2007, 12-14 September 2007, Varazdin, Croatia]
[{{{2}}} Seminar, WiSe 2007/08: Elektronische Geschäftsbeziehungen im E-Business]
[{{{2}}} Workshop Availability of e-Skills - Improving the Employability of the Workforce: eChallenges 2007, The Hague, The Netherlands, 24 - 26 October 2007]
[{{{2}}} WiSe 2007/08: FH Trier: "Ausgewählte Themen der Informatik für Wirtschaftsinformatiker"]
[{{{2}}} 10th IBIMA Conference, 30 June - 2 July, 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Conference Advisory Committee]
[{{{2}}} Workshop "Skills Management", Croatian Government, 16.11.2007, Zagreb, Croatia]
[{{{2}}} Seminar, SoSe 2008: Elektronische Geschäftsbeziehungen im E-Business]
[{{{2}}} 1st World Summit on the Knowledge Society, 24 - 28 September, 2008, Athens, Greece: Scientific Committee Member]
[{{{2}}} Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences]