
Semantische Suche

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[ICGTIT-2007: International Conference on Global Trends in IT, Punjab, India, 31 March 2007: Conference Advisor Aktivitaet763]
[Workshop Availability of e-Skills - Improving the Employability of the Workforce: eChallenges 2007, The Hague, The Netherlands, 24 - 26 October 2007 Aktivitaet811]
[18. AIK-Symposium: 35 Jahre Angewandte Informatik Karlsruhe Aktivitaet615]
[Seminar, WiSe 2006/07: e-Skills - Konzepte, Methoden und Werkzeuge Aktivitaet594]
[ICC 2006, 8 April 2006, Punjab, India: Conference Advisor Aktivitaet532]
[WiSe 2006/07: FH Trier: "Einführung in die Systemtechnik" Methoden zu Analysen Aktivitaet629]
[Studium Generale Aktivitaet628]
[ObjektForum, Entwicklertag 2006, 19. Mai 2006, Karlsruhe, Deutschland Aktivitaet535]
[7th IBIMA Conference, 14-16 December 2006, Brescia, Italy: Conference Advisory Committee Aktivitaet630]
[6th IBIMA Conference, 19-21 June 2006, Bonn, Germany: Conference Advisory Committee Aktivitaet504]
[Seminar, SoSe 2006: e-Skills - Konzepte, Methoden und Werkzeuge Aktivitaet304]
[eChallenges 2006, 25 - 27 October 2006, Barcelona, Spain: Workshop "ICT Skills - Towards the Harmonisation of Certification Schemes" Aktivitaet551]
[Seminar, WiSe 2005/06: e-Skills und Kompetenzen in Knowledge Companies Aktivitaet301]
[Konferenz MS4PI 2006 Aktivitaet302]
[Seminar, SoSe 2005: e-Skills und IT-Zertifizierungen in Knowledge Companies Aktivitaet300]
[5th IBIMA Conference, 13-15 December 2005, Cairo, Egypt: Program Committee, Session Chair Aktivitaet303]
[Seminar, SoSe 2004: Knowledge Communities im Unternehmen Aktivitaet298]
[Seminar, WiSe 2004/05: e-Skills und Kompetenzen in Knowledge Companies Aktivitaet299]
[2nd IBIMA Conference, 4 - 6 July 2004, Amman, Jordan: Program Committee Aktivitaet536]
[Kooperationsprojekt EWISU mit der ISB AG Aktivitaet297]