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 - Masterarbeit


Global Transfer (Assignment) Policies
Betreuer: Thomas Wolf

Analyse the Impact of Text Representation Methods for Iconclass Label Recommendation
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Etienne Posthumus, Externe Partner: FIZ Karlsruhe

Statistical Modelling of Vehicle Movement in Autonomous Driving
Betreuer: Stefan Orf

Digital Identity Wallets in SSI: Evaluating standard conformance of existing products
Betreuer: Tobias Käfer, Christoph Braun

Developing a Taxonomy of Data Annotation Tools
Betreuer: Simon Warsinsky

Graph-Level Anomaly Detection in Traffic Scenarios for Autonomous Driving (AD)
Betreuer: Ferdinand Mütsch

Systematische Literaturrecherche zu Process Mining im Smart X
Betreuer: Andreas Oberweis, Fabian Rybinski

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Automatically Recommending Citations for Texts Using Neural Networks
Betreuer: Michael Färber

Konzeption und Implementierung einer Testapplikation
Betreuer: Andreas Oberweis, Demian Frister

Automated Classification of Mathematical Documents
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Fabian Müller

Knowledge Graph Based Semantic Web Page Tagging
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Matthias Razum, Tabea Tietz, Externe Partner: FIZ Karlsruhe

Efficient Uncertainty Aware Latent Model-Based Optimization
Betreuer: Mohammd Karam Daaboul, Externe Partner: FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

CII:Trustworthy AI and Software in Cars
Betreuer: Maximilian Renner

Is Wikidata Socially Biased?
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Genet Asefa Gesese, Mehwish Alam, Externe Partner: FIZ Karlsruhe

How Well Do Aliases Represent an Entity?
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Genet Asefa Gesese, Externe Partner: FIZ Karlsruhe

Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Control of Robotic Manipulation
Betreuer: Mohammd Karam Daaboul, Externe Partner: FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

Thinking Fast and Slow with Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
Betreuer: Mohammd Karam Daaboul, Externe Partner: FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Knowledge Graphs on the Web
Betreuer: Christoph Braun

Modelling the content of the Illustrated Iconclass as a Graph Database
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Etienne Posthumus, Externe Partner: FIZ Karlsruhe

Tagging ROI in images to Notation using Annotations - Region of Interest to Meanings Mapping
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Etienne Posthumus, Externe Partner: FIZ Karlsruhe

Stamp Detection and Segmentation in Historical Documents
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Russa Biswas, Mahsa Vafaie

Patent Document Summarization with Contextual Embeddings
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Rima Türker, Externe Partner: FIZ Karlsruhe (

Situation Recognition for Remote Operator Support
Betreuer: Stefan Orf

Deep Learned Condition Monitoring of an Autonomous Vehicle
Betreuer: Stefan Orf

Potato, Potahto, Iliad, Ilias: Entity Alignment with Knowledge Graph Embeddings and Language Models
Betreuer: Harald Sack, Russa Biswas, Mary Ann Tan

Evaluation of New Interaction Techniques for Cooperative Autonomous Systems and Vulnerable Road Users in Virtual Reality
Betreuer: Maximilian Schrapel

Cooperative Vulnerable Road Users Protection Systems
Betreuer: Alexey Vinel

Multi-hop Retrieval and Reasoning with Language Models for Fake News Detection
Betreuer: Jin Liu, Externe Partner: FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik

Process Mining im Krankenhausbetrieb - Anwendungsfall Patientenlogistik (Simulation/ Machine Learning Models)
Betreuer: Clemens Schreiber, Andreas Oberweis, Tobias Kropp (TMB), Externe Partner: Kunibert Lennerts (TMB)

Feature-based Localization by using Static Objects of the Environment
Betreuer: Stefan Orf

Fahrzeugkommunikation für ethisches autonomes Fahren
Betreuer: Alexey Vinel

Vehicular Communications for Ethical Autonomous Driving
Betreuer: Alexey Vinel

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Sicherheitsverbesserungen durch Federated Learning: Echtzeitaustausch von Cyber-Angriffsmustern, Thema3424, Thema3675, Thema3811, Thema3996, Thema4245, Thema4271, Thema4304, Thema4319, Thema4335, Thema4420, Thema4423, Thema4468, Thema4513, Thema4514, Thema4548, Thema4562, Thema4565, Thema4573, Thema4574, Thema4575, Thema4583, Thema4590, Thema4618, Thema4648, Thema4661, Thema4671, Thema4672, Thema4685, Thema4714, Thema4772, Thema4773, Thema4794, Thema4838, Thema4864, Thema4869, Thema4870, Thema4873, Thema4874, Thema4880, Thema4883, Thema4895, Thema4896, Thema4901, Thema4903, Thema4909, Thema4910, Thema4933, Thema4935, Thema4936… weitere Ergebnisse