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Semantic Wikipedia

Semantic Wikipedia

Veröffentlicht: 2007 September

Journal: Journal of Web Semantics

Seiten: 251--261
Verlag: Elsevier
Volume: 5

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Wikipedia is the world's largest collaboratively edited source of encyclopaedic knowledge. But in spite of its utility, its content is barely machine-interpretable and only weakly structured. With Semantic MediaWiki we provide an extension that enables wiki-users to semantically annotate wiki pages, based on which the wiki contents can be browsed, searched, and reused in novel ways. In this paper, we give an extended overview of Semantic MediaWiki and discuss experiences regarding performance and current applications.

ISSN: 1570-8268
Download: Media:2007_1551_Krötzsch_Semantic Wikipe_1.pdf,Media:2007_1551_Krötzsch_Semantic Wikipe_2.pdf
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NeOnSEKTNepomukSemantic MediaWiki


Semantic Web Infrastructure, Wissensmanagementsysteme, Informationssysteme, Semantische Annotation, Hypermedia Systeme, Semantic Web, Ontologiebasierte Wissensmanagementsysteme, WWW Systeme