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FRED: Ontology-based Agents for enabling E-Coaching Support in a large Company

FRED: Ontology-based Agents for enabling E-Coaching Support in a large Company

Published: 2002

Buchtitel: Second International Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems (OAS 2002) , held at the 1st International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems, 15 or 16 July 2002, Bologna, Italy.

Referierte Veröffentlichung


We present FRED, an ontology-based agent and its application in an E-Coaching scenario at a large company. We illustrate the architecture and underlying technology of our agent platform, e.g. ontologies, and present our methodology for ontology development as well as a brief cost-benefit analysis, thus showing also commercial aspects.

Download: Media:2002_31_Smolle_FRED: Ontology-_1.pdf


Komplexitätsmanagement,Betriebliche Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme„Betriebliche Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme“ befindet sich nicht in der Liste (Effiziente Algorithmen, Komplexitätsmanagement, Betriebliche Informationssysteme, Wissensmanagement, Angewandte Technisch-Kognitive Systeme, Information Service Engineering, Critical Information Infrastructures, Web Science und Wissensmanagement, Web Science, Ökonomie und Technologie der eOrganisation, ...) zulässiger Werte für das Attribut „Forschungsgruppe“.


E-Learning, Wissensmanagementmethodik, Wissensmanagementsysteme, Business Intelligence, Ontologiemodellierung, Ontology Engineering, Agentensysteme, Web Science, Ontologiebasierte Wissensmanagementsysteme