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Model of an interorganizational Business Process Support System for public institutions

Model of an interorganizational Business Process Support System for public institutions

Published: 2004 Oktober

Buchtitel: Proceedings CSIT' 2004
Ausgabe: 1
Seiten: 157-161
Verlag: Hungary

Referierte Veröffentlichung


This paper proposes a model of Business Process Support Systems crossing organizational boundaries. Such systems have to support interorganizational workflows which are mainly characterized by interoperability, autonomy and openess. Interoperability is enabled through Web Services, providing required functionalities of integration and flexibility, and by using applied ebXML as communication language. The proposed system consists of three main IT nodes: a workflow system for administration and control of information flows; Web Services enabling data transfer between computers; and a Web Server controlling all applications for communication with all users in each organization. The proposed model of the Workflow Enactment Server consists of two nodes: the Rule Based Collection, and the Workflow Engine. The Rule Based Collection consists of a set of rules mapping the requirements of the involved organizations. The workflow engine consists of two components A and B for process execution and control.

ISBN: 5-87691-023-6
