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Extending ER model clustering by relationship clustering

Extending ER model clustering by relationship clustering

Published: 1994
Herausgeber: R.A. Elmasri, V. Kouramajian, B. Thalheim
Buchtitel: Entity-Relationship Approach - ER'93: 12th Int. Conference on the Entity-Relationship Approach
Ausgabe: 823
Reihe: LNCS
Seiten: 451-462
Erscheinungsort: Berlin, Heidelberg

Referierte Veröffentlichung


The entity relationship approach is a widely accepted method for conceptual database design. However, some problems arise if ER modelling is applied to the design of really large databases concerning whole enterprises. There is, e.g., no way to obtain a general view nor to perceive the global context of a detailed enterprise scheme with hundreds of entities and relationships. Different approaches use ER model clustering to overcome these problems. All approaches are based on an already existing detailed ER diagram. Based on this, the abstraction layers are built bottom-up. The approach proposed in this paper refines and extends the approaches mentioned above. It also takes into account the Nested Entity Relationship Model in order to refine relationship types. It can be used in a top-down database design process as well as in a bottom-up approach.

ISBN: 3-540-58217-7
VG Wort-Seiten: 12

