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Semantic Management of Web Services

Semantic Management of Web Services

Published: 2005 Dezember
Herausgeber: Boualem Benatallah, Fabio Casati, Paolo Traverso
Buchtitel: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2005: Third International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 12-15, 2005. Proceedings
Ausgabe: 3826
Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Seiten: 514-519
Verlag: Springer-Verlag GmbH

Referierte Veröffentlichung


We present semantic management of Web Services as a paradigm that is located between the two extremes of current Web Services standards descriptions and tools, which we abbreviate by WS*, and Semantic Web Services. On the one hand, WS* does not have an integrated formal model incurring high costs for managing Web Services in a declarative, but mostly manual fashion. On the other hand, the latter aims at the formal modelling of Web Services such that full automation of Web Service discovery, composition, invocation, etc., becomes possible — thereby incurring unbearably high costs for modelling. Based on a set of use cases, we identify who benefits from what kind of semantic modelling of Web Services, when and for what purposes. We present how an ontology is used in an implemented prototype.

ISBN: 3-540-30817-2
ISSN: 0302-9743
VG Wort-Seiten: 5
Download: Media:2005_981_Oberle_Semantic_Manage_1.pdf
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Semantic Web Infrastructure, Semantische Web Dienste, Middleware, Ontologiemodellierung