
Critical Information Infrastructures: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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|Beschreibung DE=Critical information infrastructures (CII) are sociotechnical systems comprising essential software components and information systems with pivotal impact on individuals, organizations, governments, economies, and society. We work on research challenges concerned with the design, development, and evaluation of reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems. Our research features a strong domain focus, in particular, on internet and health care industries. The principal goal of our research is theorizing on and designing the applications and methods required for creation and innovation of sociotechnical systems with auspicious value propositions. In our studies, we rigorously employ a variety of interdisciplinary methods and build on theories from information systems and related disciplines. Our work accounts for the multifaceted use contexts of information and communication technologies with research on human behavior affecting CII and vice versa. This enables us to rigorously generate strong theoretical insights while simultaneously producing research outputs of relevance to practical audiences.<br><br>Our main research contexts are reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems within the scope of critical infrastructures, innovative health IT applications, cloud computing services, blockchain technologies, and auditing/certification of IT.
|Beschreibung DE=Critical information infrastructures (CII) are sociotechnical systems comprising essential software components and information systems with pivotal impact on individuals, organizations, governments, economies, and society. We work on research challenges concerned with the design, development, and evaluation of reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems. Our research features a strong domain focus, in particular, on internet and health care industries. The principal goal of our research is theorizing on and designing the applications and methods required for creation and innovation of sociotechnical systems with auspicious value propositions. In our studies, we rigorously employ a variety of interdisciplinary methods and build on theories from information systems and related disciplines. Our work accounts for the multifaceted use contexts of information and communication technologies with research on human behavior affecting CII and vice versa. This enables us to rigorously generate strong theoretical insights while simultaneously producing research outputs of relevance to practical audiences.<br><br>Our main research contexts are reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems within the scope of critical infrastructures, innovative health IT applications, cloud computing services, blockchain technologies, and auditing/certification of IT.
|Beschreibung EN=Critical information infrastructures (C-I-I) are sociotechnical systems comprising essential software components and information systems with pivotal impact on individuals, organizations, governments, economies, and society. We work on research challenges concerned with the design, development, and evaluation of reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems. Our research features a strong domain focus, in particular, on internet and health care industries. The principal goal of our research is theorizing on and designing the applications and methods required for creation and innovation of sociotechnical systems with auspicious value propositions. In our studies, we rigorously employ a variety of interdisciplinary methods and build on theories from information systems and related disciplines. Our work accounts for the multifaceted use contexts of information and communication technologies with research on human behavior affecting CII and vice versa. This enables us to rigorously generate strong theoretical insights while simultaneously producing research outputs of relevance to practical audiences.<br><br>Our main research contexts are reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems within the scope of critical infrastructures, innovative health IT applications, cloud computing services, blockchain technologies, and auditing/certification of IT.
|Beschreibung EN=Critical information infrastructures (Cll) are sociotechnical systems comprising essential software components and information systems with pivotal impact on individuals, organizations, governments, economies, and society. We work on research challenges concerned with the design, development, and evaluation of reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems. Our research features a strong domain focus, in particular, on internet and health care industries. The principal goal of our research is theorizing on and designing the applications and methods required for creation and innovation of sociotechnical systems with auspicious value propositions. In our studies, we rigorously employ a variety of interdisciplinary methods and build on theories from information systems and related disciplines. Our work accounts for the multifaceted use contexts of information and communication technologies with research on human behavior affecting CII and vice versa. This enables us to rigorously generate strong theoretical insights while simultaneously producing research outputs of relevance to practical audiences.<br><br>Our main research contexts are reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems within the scope of critical infrastructures, innovative health IT applications, cloud computing services, blockchain technologies, and auditing/certification of IT.
|Forschungsgruppenleiter=Ali Sunyaev
|Forschungsgruppenleiter=Ali Sunyaev
|Bild=CiiGroup sm.jpg
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Version vom 16. Mai 2018, 12:13 Uhr

Critical Information Infrastructures

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<imagemap>-Fehler: Bild ist ungültig oder nicht vorhanden


Critical information infrastructures (CII) are sociotechnical systems comprising essential software components and information systems with pivotal impact on individuals, organizations, governments, economies, and society. We work on research challenges concerned with the design, development, and evaluation of reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems. Our research features a strong domain focus, in particular, on internet and health care industries. The principal goal of our research is theorizing on and designing the applications and methods required for creation and innovation of sociotechnical systems with auspicious value propositions. In our studies, we rigorously employ a variety of interdisciplinary methods and build on theories from information systems and related disciplines. Our work accounts for the multifaceted use contexts of information and communication technologies with research on human behavior affecting CII and vice versa. This enables us to rigorously generate strong theoretical insights while simultaneously producing research outputs of relevance to practical audiences.

Our main research contexts are reliable, secure, and purposeful software and information systems within the scope of critical infrastructures, innovative health IT applications, cloud computing services, blockchain technologies, and auditing/certification of IT.

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CII Neuigkeiten
07.05.2018 Drei Konferenzbeiträge auf der diesjährigen ECIS akzeptiert
04.04.2018 „AUDITOR“ entwickelt europaweite Zertifizierung von Cloud-Diensten
13.03.2018 Die Forschungsgruppe Critical Information Infrastructures auf der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018 in Lüneburg, Deutschland
16.02.2018 Prof. Ali Sunyaev als Mentor auf dem Junior Faculty Consortium der ECIS 2018
02.02.2018 Konferenzbeitrag für ARCS 2018 angenommen
26.01.2018 Die Forschungsgruppe Critical Information Infrastructures auf der 51. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)


Offene Abschlussarbeiten (Bachelor / Master)

Vorlesung Termin
Angewandte Informatik II: Informatiksysteme für eCommerce SoSe
Emerging Trends in Critical Information Infrastructures SoSe
Praktikum: Critical Information Infrastructures SoSe


Aktive Projekte

Unsere Forschung wird gefördert durch

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AUDITOR Logo.jpg European Cloud Service Data Protection Certification
Ziel des Forschungsprojekts „European Cloud Service Data Protection Certification“ (AUDITOR) ist die Konzeptionierung, exemplarische Umsetzung und Erprobung einer nachhaltig anwendbaren EU-weiten Datenschutzzertifizierung von Cloud-Diensten. Als Konsortialführer sind wir maßgeblich bei der Erreichung des Ziels beteiligt.
Epill.png ePill - electronic Patient Information Leaflets
(Electronic Patient Information LeafLets) ist eine patientenzentrierte Webanwendung, die eine patientenfreundliche Darstellung von aggregierten und personalisierten Medikamenteninformationen anbietet. ePill bessert die Nachteile konventioneller Beipackzettel aus, indem Lesbarkeits-, Verständnis- und inhaltliche Aspkete an die Nutzerbedürfnisse angepasst werden. Darüber hinaus wird durch die verbesserte Darstellung der Medikamenteninformationen zur Lösung des anhaltenden Problems der Therapietreue beigetragen, indem der Informationsbeschaffungsprozess für einzunehmende Medikamente vereinfacht wird.
Miles.png Project Multi-Disciplinary Identification of Lineage-Specific Signaling Dependencies in Cancer (MILES)
Das Projekt Multi-Disciplinary Identification of Lineage-Specific Signaling Dependencies in Cancer (MILES) hat die Identifikation von einzigartigen, Tumorwachstum vermittelnden Signalnetzwerken in individuellen Tumor-Zelllinien zum Ziel. Wir konzentrieren uns hierbei auf die Integration von Erkenntnissen aus der Biowissenschaft und Wirtschaftsinformatik und entwickeln ein Framework zur sicheren und datenschutzgerechten Verarbeitung von Genomdaten in Cloud-Computing-Umgebungen.
Ngcert.png Project Next Generation Certification (NGCert)
Das Projekt „Next Generation Certification“ (NGCert) beschäftigt sich mit der Forschung und Entwicklung dynamischer Zertifizierungen für Cloud-Services, die es ermöglichen kritische Anforderungen an Cloud-Services kontinuierlich und (teil-)automatisiert zu überprüfen. Wir entwickelt im Rahmen des Projektes NGCert Metriken, Messmethoden und Gestaltungsrichtlinien zur kontinuierlichen und (teil-)automatisierten Zertifizierung von Cloud-Services.
TB-Logo.png Trusted Blockchain
Das Ziel unseres Forschungsprojektes „Trusted Blockhain“ ist es, eine Zertifizierung für Distributed Ledger Technologies praxisnah und ganzheitlich zu entwickeln, um Unsicherheiten im Markt zu reduzieren und die Entwicklung vertrauenswürdiger und sicherer Technologien zu unterstützen.
Unblackboxing.png Unblackboxing IT Certifications
Ziel des Forschungsprojekts „Unblackboxing IT Certifications“ ist es, die Wirkung von IT-Zertifikaten auf die Wahrnehmung von Kunden und Plattformanbietern zu erforschen. Im Forschungskontext elektronischer Märkte gehen wir u.a. der Frage nach, wie Online-Gütesiegel von Kunden und Online-Shops wahrgenommen werden. Die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts sollen u.a. dazu beitragen, ein tiefes grundlegendes Verständnis für die Wirksamkeit von IT-Zertifikaten zu erlangen.

Abgeschlossene Projekte

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Cloud Computing Services for Healthcare Organizations

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IKT-Landschaft im Jahre 2020


Externer Link:


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Payment with Data


Security & Compliance Automation

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Standardisierungsarbeit im DIN



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Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit (WTZ)


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ilustre Lehre

Partner in Wissenschaft und Industrie (Auswahl)

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