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How to reason with OWL in a logic programming system

How to reason with OWL in a logic programming system

Published: 2006 November
Herausgeber: Thomas Eiter, Enrico Franconi, Ralph Hodgson, Susie Stephens
Buchtitel: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web, RuleML2006
Seiten: 17--26
Verlag: IEEE Computer Society
Erscheinungsort: Athens, Georgia

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Logic programming has always been a major ontology modeling paradigm, and is frequently being used in large research projects and industrial applications, e.g., by means of the F-Logic reasoning engine OntoBroker or the TRIPLE query, inference, and transformation language and system. At the same time, the Web Ontology Language OWL has been recommended by the W3C for modeling ontologies for the web. Naturally, it is desirable to investigate the interoperability between both paradigms. In this paper, we do so by studying an expressive fragement of OWL DL for which reasoning can be reduced to the evaluation of Horn logic programs. Building on the KAON2 algorithms for transforming OWL DL into disjunctive Datalog, we give a detailed account of how and to what extent OWL DL can be employed in standard logic programming systems. En route, we derive a novel, simplified characterization of the supported fragment of OWL DL.

ISBN: 0-7695-2652-7
Download: Media:2006_1059_Krötzsch_How to reason w_1.pdf,Media:2006_1059_Krötzsch_How to reason w_2.pdf




Wissensrepräsentation, Logikprogrammierung, Semantic Web