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Trainings Courses in eGovernment for Civil Servants in Croatia: The EU Project eGovCRO - an Actual Overview

Trainings Courses in eGovernment for Civil Servants in Croatia: The EU Project eGovCRO - an Actual Overview

Published: 2007 Juni
Herausgeber: Khalid S. Soliman
Buchtitel: Information Management in the Networked Economy: Issues & Solutions
Seiten: 185-189
Organisation: International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA)

Referierte Veröffentlichung
Note: Proceedings of The 8th International Business Information Management Association Conference, June 20 - 22, 2007, Dublin, Ireland


The Croatian government seeks the development towards an information society. Among others a unique eGovernment concept should be introduced and used on all public and governmental levels, regarding information infrastructure, services, etc. This concept requires employees possessing different interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and competences (KSC) at all organizational levels. On this base there is a need to establish an educational program that combines knowledge, skills and competences from different fields: information and communication technologies (ICT), legal and law, management, organisation, etc. Within the EU Project eGovCRO a curriculum will be developed to manage these challenges. This paper gives a short overview of the project's consortium, its aims and teaching methodology, the courses that are going to be taught and the possible impact of the project on the Croatian public and governmental services.

ISBN: 0-9753393-7-0
Weitere Informationen unter: Link
