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A Goal Specification Language for Automated Discovery and Composition of Web Services

A Goal Specification Language for Automated Discovery and Composition of Web Services

Published: 2007 November
Herausgeber: Tsau Young Lin, Laura Haas, Janusz Kacprzyk, Rajeev Motwani, Andrei Broder, Howard Po
Buchtitel: International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI `07)
Seiten: 528-534
Erscheinungsort: Silicon Valley, California, USA

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In order to find suitableWeb services from a large collection of Web services, automatic support is needed to filter out Web services relevant according to some criteria specified by the user. In real business scenarios constraints on the types of input and output parameters are often not sufficient. Rather one wishes to specify constraints on relationships of input and output parameters, interaction pattern and non-functional properties of Web services. Therefore, there is a need for a more expressive goal specification language. Current goal specification techniques for matchmaking and composition of Web services either lack expressivity to support real business scenarios or formal semantics to enable development of automatic algorithms. In this paper, we present a goal specification language that allow specifying constraints on functional and non-functional properties of Web services. The language is a novel combination of an expressive temporal logic mu- calculus and an expressive description logic SHIQ(D).

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Semantische Web Dienste, Web Services, Semantische Annotierung