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Using XML Nets and Grid Services to support SCOR

Using XML Nets and Grid Services to support SCOR

Published: 2008 Juli

Referierte Veröffentlichung
Note: will be in the proceedings of international conference on machine learning and cybernetics


A method framework for SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference model) was designed. SCOR contains three levels of process details: using UML to model the process in level 1 and the domain ontology, using XML Nets, a kind of high level Petri Nets to model the process categories in level 2 and to assemble the XML Nets fragments according to the request "configured-to-order", and using Xml Nets to model the elements of the processes in level 3 and the performance metrics. The Grid services technology was chosen for implementation of the processes to achieve the universality, configurability and interoperability on heterogeneous and distributed systems.

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Business Engineering