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Information-based Control of Service-enabling Ecosystems

Information-based Control of Service-enabling Ecosystems

Published: 2009 September
Herausgeber: D'Andrea, Vincenzo and Gangadharan, G.R. and Iannella, Renato and Weiss, Michael
Buchtitel: Second International Workshop on Enabling Service Business Ecosystems
Nummer: 530
Reihe: orkshop Proceedings
Verlag: CEUR
Erscheinungsort: Athen

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Continuous optimization of value co-creation in networks of consumers and autonomous service enablers describes a major challenge to mediating platform operators. In analogy to systems theory, we propose to introduce customizable feedback loops from the service-enabling ecosystem to the service enablers via the platform operator. Relevant feedback information can be derived from analysis of network structure, service interactions, and service consumer preferences. In using our method, optimization of individual service offerings and of the network as a whole is facilitated through the platform operator, while retaining the autonomy of each service provider in the network.

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