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CAREY: ClimAtological ContRol of EmergencY Regions

CAREY: ClimAtological ContRol of EmergencY Regions

Published: 2011 November

Buchtitel: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Ausgabe: 7046/2011
Seiten: 494-503
Verlag: Springer
Organisation: On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011 Workshops

Nicht-referierte Veröffentlichung


Scroll upScroll down REFERENCES (19)EXPORT CITATIONABOUT Abstract Nowadays, climate changes are impacting life on Earth; ecological effects as warming of sea-surface temperatures, catastrophic events as storms or mudslides, and the increase of infectious diseases, are affecting life and development. Unfortunately, experts predict that global temperatures will increase even more during the next years; thus, to decide how to assist possibly affected people, experts require tools that help them to discover potential risky regions based on their weather conditions. We address this problem and propose a tool able to support experts in the discovery of these risky areas. We present CAREY, a federated tool built on top of a weather database, that implements a semi-supervised data mining approach to discover regions with similar weather observations which may characterize micro-climate zones. Additionally, Top-k Skyline techniques have been developed to rank micro-climate areas according to how close they are to a given weather condition of risk. We conducted an initial experimental study as a proof-of-concepts, and the preliminary results suggest that CAREY may provide an effective support for the visualization of potential risky areas.

ISBN: 978-3-642-25125-2
Weitere Informationen unter: Link
DOI Link: 10.1007/978-3-642-25126-9_61


