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ELES: Combining Entity Linking and Entity Summarization

ELES: Combining Entity Linking and Entity Summarization

Published: 2016 Juni

Buchtitel: ICWE 2016
Verlag: Springer

Referierte Veröffentlichung
Note: to appear


The automatic annotation of textual content with entities from a knowledge base is a well established field. Applications, such as DBpedia Spotlight and GATE enable to identify and disambiguate entities of text at high levels of accuracy. The output of such systems can be used in many different ways. One way is to show knowledge panels which provide a fact-based summary of an entity and provides further information as well as browsing options. Such fact-based summaries are produced by entity summarization systems.

This paper presents ELES, a lightweight combination of DBpedia Spotlight and the SUMMA entity summarization interface. DBpedia Spotlight analyzes text and links fragments to entities of the DBpedia knowledge base. The LinkSUM summarizer (interfaced via the SUMMA API definition) produces fact-based summaries of DBpedia entities. The two applications are combined on the client side through the "Internationalization Tag Set 2.0" W3C recommendation and lightweight jQuery-based interfaces.



Verknüpfte Tools



Web Science und Wissensmanagement


Vernetzte Daten, Information Retrieval, Mensch-Maschine-Systeme, Entitätszusammenfassung