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On the Contextualization of Event-Activity Mappings

On the Contextualization of Event-Activity Mappings

Published: 2018 September

Buchtitel: BPM 2018 Workshops
Reihe: LNBIB
Verlag: Springer

Nicht-referierte Veröffentlichung
Note: (to appear)


Event log files are used as input to any process mining algorithm. A main assumption of process mining is that each event has been assigned to a distinct process activity already. However, such mapping of events to activities is a considerable challenge. The current status-quo is that approaches indicate only likelihoods of mappings, since there is often more than one possible solution. To increase the quality of event to activity mappings this paper derives a contextualization for event-activity mappings and argues for a stronger consideration of contextual factors. Based on a literature review, the paper provides a framework for classifying context factors for event-activity mappings. We aim to apply this framework to improve the accuracy of event-activity mappings and, thereby, process mining results in scenarios with low-level events.


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