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S-CREAM - Semi-automatic CREAtion of Metadata

S-CREAM - Semi-automatic CREAtion of Metadata

Published: 2002

Buchtitel: Proc. of the European Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management - EKAW-2002. Madrid, Spain, October 1-4, 2002
Reihe: LNCS
Verlag: Springer

Referierte Veröffentlichung


Abstract. Richly interlinked, machine-understandable data constitute the basis for the Semantic Web. We provide a framework, S-CREAM, that allows for creation of metadata and is trainable for a speci¯c domain. Annotating web documents is one of the major techniques for creating metadata on the web. The implementation of S-CREAM, Ont-O-Mat supports now the semi-automatic annotation of web pages. This semi- automatic annotation is based on the information extraction component Amilcare. Ont-O-Mat extract with the help of Amilcare knowledge struc- ture from web pages through the use of knowledge extraction rules. These rules are the result of a learning-cycle based on already annotated pages.

Download: Media:2002_50_Handschuh_S-CREAM - Semi-_1.pdf


DAML - OntoAgents




Semantische Annotierung, Semantic Web