
Internal:Documentation Technical Administration

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Documentation for technical administration which includes changing and extending of functional aspects. All modifications below can only be done by portal administrators.

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Forms and Templates

Forms collect the data needed to create a new predefined page. The structure of the page is defined in the corresponding templates. To create a new page of a predefined structure you type the data into the form and then they will be filled automatically into the template.

Create new forms / templates

Before creating a new form a template has to be constructed. In total the process has 4 steps:

Create Property / Attribute

All properties which are used have to be created beforehand. A list of all attributes which already exist can be found under Spezial:Attribute. If an additional attribute is needed you can create it at Spezial:CreateProperty.

Create template

The next step is to create the template. Therefore use the page Spezial:CreateTemplate. Here you need to specify all input fields which will be used by the form later on.

Create form

Now a form which uses one or more templates can be created on Spezial:CreateForm. Here you just need to choose the templates.

Create category

At last you can specify a new category. Then all pages that are created with the form can be grouped by this category. On Spezial:CreateCategory you create a new category and assign the forms to it.

Edit existing forms / templates


A list of all existing templates including their properties can be found on Spezial:Templates. Here you can also extend and edit them. If you know the exact name of the template you want to edit you can reach it by<NAME_OF_TEMPLATE>



A list of all existing forms can be found on Spezial:Forms. Here you can also extend and edit them by clicking on the form-name and on 'edit' / 'bearbeiten' on the top righthand side afterwards. You can, for example, add new properties, set the upload-status for pictures or add help texts. If you know the exact name of the form you want to edit you can reach it by <NAME_OF_FORM>


Edit sidebar

You can edit the sidebar on MediaWiki:Sidebar. When you click on 'edit' / 'bearbeiten' on the top righthand side you can change the wiki-text. Thereby you have to take hierachy and bilingualism into account. In each line there is exactly one item of the sidebar and you set its hierachy level by the number of * at the beginning. One * represents the main level, i.e. all items with only one * at the beginning are main entries of the sidebar. Each line has 3 parts which are seperated by |. The first part is the page on which the sidebar link points (<TEXT_FIRST_PART>). The second part is the text that is shown at the sidebar on the german page and the third part is the text that is shown at the sidebar on the english page.

Sidebar highlighting

If you want to highlight an item in the sidebar manually, just enter

 <menu>pagetitle of the item in the sidebar</menu>

on the page.


You can reach the pages for the german or the english infobox with the links below. There you can change their contents by clicking on 'edit' / 'bearbeiten' on the top righthand side and editing the wiki-text.

Infobox german

Infobox english

Delete a page

For deleting the page you currently look at you have to click on 'delete' / 'löschen' on the top right hand side.

Inline Queries

Basic Inline Queries

Official documentation: Help:Inline queries

Pattern for ask queries:

|?ATTRIBUTES (Selection with |?name)
|FORMATING OUTPUT (limit, sort, template, ...)

Example of a basic ask query:

{{#ask: [[Kategorie:Partner]][[Organisationsart::Forschungseinrichtungen]]
|template=Zeige Kooperationen

Advanced Inline Queries

News on upcoming printout options

Using optional LIMIT FILTER

Using the additional |+ limit=n expression after attribute selection just the first n dataset will be returned.

Using optional INDEX FILTER

Using the additional |+ index=1 expression after attribute selection just the first parameter of a the queried datasets will be returned.

Example using optional LIMIT and INDEX FILTERS

"Binary realation-attribut" Dataset:

nameIntX;nameExtX nameIntY;nameExtY nameIntZ;nameExtZ

  • Optional ask-query "limit"-filter statement:
|?name |+ limit=1


  • Optional ask-query "index"-filter statement:
|?name |+ index=1



more to come

