
Lehre/Praktikum Projektpraktikum Information Service Engineering

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Praktikum Projektpraktikum Information Service Engineering

Details zur Lehrveranstaltung
Dozent(en) Harald SackMehwish Alam
Übungsleiter Rima TürkerRussa BiswasGenet Asefa GeseseFabian HoppeTabea Tietz
Fach (Gebiet)
Leistungspunkte 4 ECTS
Semester WS

Aktuelle und ergänzende Informationen, sowie Zeiten und Räume der Lehrveranstaltung finden Sie im Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Universität.
Link zum Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Link zum Studierendenportal



The ISE project course is based on the summer semester lecture "Information Service Engineering". Goal of the course is to work on a research problem in small groups (3-4 students) related to the ISE lecture topics, i.e. Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Graphs, and Machine Learning. The solution of the given research problem requires the development of a software implementation.


The course language is English. You should have visited the Information Service Engineering lecture in the summer semester. Registration for WS 19/20 has already started (July 21, 2019) and is open until Oct 23, 2019. The number of participants is restricted to 15.