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Aktuelle Version vom 2. Oktober 2014, 15:13 Uhr

Cloud Service Engineering - Tutorial

Veröffentlichung: 2010 Mai


Building on compute and storage virtualization, Cloud Computing provides scalable, network-centric, abstracted IT infrastructure, platforms, and applications as on-demand services that are billed by consumption. Cloud Service Engineeringleverages Cloud Computing in the context of the Internet in its combined role as a platform for technical, economic, organizational and social networks. This tutorial introduces concepts and technology of Cloud Computing and Cloud Service Engineering, providing an overview of state-of-the-art in research and practice.

In particular, we demonstrate a simple setup for a private cloud that can be used in an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) scenario. Even though there are open source platforms available, such as Eucalyptus or OpenNebula, building a private, hybrid, or even a public cloud is still challenging. Services of the private cloud are integrated with external services such as AWS S3 and SQS. Thereby we demonstrate the interaction of private and public cloud services and how services of different layers can be mashed up to provide new services.

Download: Media:ICSE2010_Cloud_Tutorial_Tai_et_al.pdf
Weitere Informationen unter: Link


Ökonomie und Technologie der eOrganisation
