
Thema3713: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Aktuelle Version vom 27. August 2021, 17:06 Uhr

Raising Employee Information Security Awareness with Graphical User Interface Interventions

Anh Duc Tran

Informationen zur Arbeit

Abschlussarbeitstyp: Master
Betreuer: Ali SunyaevTobias Dehling
Forschungsgruppe: Critical Information Infrastructures
Partner: SAP AG
Archivierungsnummer: 3713
Abschlussarbeitsstatus: Abgeschlossen
Beginn: 01. Januar 2021
Abgabe: 29. Juni 2021

Weitere Informationen

Abstract: The thesis consists of five sections. In the first section, an introduction to the problem and the research aim was given. The second section gives a fundamental understanding of information security awareness, the GUI interventions nudge, boost and technocognition and describes the practical problem in the company. In section three, the methodology will be described which contains a description of the concept for the solution of the practical problem, the design of the GUI interventions and how the effectiveness and usability of the interventions will be evaluated. In section four, the realization of the possible solution concepts for the practical problem will be explained and how the GUI interventions are implemented for the survey. Afterwards the results from the survey will be presented. The last section of the thesis will discuss the results and ends with a conclusion.