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Benchmarking Anomaly Detection on Camera and Lidar Data with 3D Voxel Representation

Informationen zur Arbeit

Abschlussarbeitstyp: Bachelor, Master
Betreuer: Daniel Bogdoll
Forschungsgruppe: Angewandte Technisch-Kognitive Systeme

Archivierungsnummer: 4948
Abschlussarbeitsstatus: unbekannt
Beginn: 06. September 2022
Abgabe: unbekannt

Weitere Informationen

We don’t have autonomous vehicles around us yet because they're not very good at dealing with the many, crazy things we see on the roads of the world. Therefore, anomaly detection is particularly important to detect the unknown and deal with it. In this thesis you will work with a set of state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods, map anomaly scores onto a 3D voxel state and evaluate the results.

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