Applied Informatics - Database Systems


Database systems (DBS) play an important role in today's companies. Internal and external data is stored and processed in databases in every company. The proper management and organization of data helps to solve many problems, enables simultaneous queries from multiple users and is the organizational and operational base for the entire working procedures and processes of the company. The lecture leads in the area of the database theory, covers the basics of database languages and database systems, considers basic concepts of object-oriented and XML databases, conveys the principles of multi-user control of databases and physical data organization. In addition, it gives an overview of business problems often encountered in practice such as:

  • Correctness of data (operational, semantic integrity)
  • Restore of a consistent database state
  • Synchronization of parallel transactions (phantom problem).

Learning objectives:


  • are familiar with the concepts and principles of data base models, languages and systems and their applications and explain it,
  • design and model relational data bases on the basis of theoretical foundations,
  • create queries for relational databases,
  • know how to handle enhanced data base problems occurring in the enterprises.


  • Lecture 30h
  • Exercise 15h
  • Preparation of lecture 24h
  • Preparation of exercises 25h
  • Exam preparation 40h
  • Exam 1h

Language of instructionGerman
  • Schlageter, Stucky. Datenbanksysteme: Konzepte und Modelle. Teubner 1983.
  • S. M. Lang, P. C. Lockemann. Datenbankeinsatz. Springer-Verlag 1995.
  • Jim Gray, Andreas Reuter. Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques. Morgan Kaufmann 1993.

Weitere Literatur wird in der Vorlesung bekannt gegeben.